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Safety precautions
发布时间:2011/6/9 13:17:41 访问次数:13668

About 16 o´clock on May 13, two factories almost simultaneously sounded an alert sound, with someone shouted: "on fire! on fire!" After all employees hear sound, rushed from their workplace, evacuated to an open field.

From one of a factory, everybody bowed their heads, covered their mouth with hands, and feet hurried; There also had wounded and were lifted out of the house; Some employees rush to transport materials; Several managers were guided people dispersed to safety places. Soon, the open space has focused a lot of people. Atmosphere was nervous but orderly.

Did the two factories simultaneous outbreak of fire? It turned out to be that the company to ensure fire safety, enhance staffs awareness of fire safety, and familiar with the fire escape skills, master the usage of the fire-fighting equipment, on the afternoon of May 13 organized all the workers of two factories had carried out a programme of evacuation and escape skills and the fire-fighting equipment operation training.

According to the analysis of the results of this walkthrough, each workshop is conducted as escape routes to escape, the number of inventory are in line with the actual, no person were trapped. Subsequently, the company security officer explained the usage of the fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, all workers did the actual operation in accordance with the standard. At the same time, medical rescue team rescued one of injured people as demonstration and explained the brief aid essentials. Lastly, the Commander put forward problems and deficiencies existed in this exercise and questioned the emergency plan .

The exercise reinforced the all staff´s awareness of fire safety, enable staff to better understand the use of fire extinguishers and the experience of evacuation and escape, improveed the knowledge of new employees, achieved the desired effect.

To ensure the secure of company, must be hip in the bud, everyone must bear in mind that "safety first", and enhance safety awareness, improve disaster prevention skills, enhance the sense of responsibility, anf protect personal lives and business property. Do hope the exercise is just a drill that through the drill again and again, again and again to the education and training, the fire which devour our lives and property happen!

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